A personality who stands out in many ways: rapper, songwriter, amateur cook and cookbook writer, TV personality and oddball.

Freddy Trathlener, better known in the Netherlands as rapper Vjeze Fur and singer in the popular hip-hop band De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig, is also passionate about cooking and good (locally sourced) food. He is author of the best-selling cookbook Lekker Fred (Tasty Fred), which was followed by an equally successful TV series on Dutch culinary traditions.

In whatever he undertakes, Freddy always manages to do things differently than …. well, the most of us would. It has become to be his trademark: things that go just slightly off track.

Creating an exclusive collection
Time, it was felt, to design and develop an exclusive collection featuring this celebrity for major Dutch supermarket Albert Heijn.

But, Freddy wouldn’t be Freddy, if he hadn’t already through up numerous designs for an own Lekker Fred collection. Working in close collaboration with partners and Freddy himself, we at CreatorsDock were asked to make the essential translation from idea to actual products and packaging.

We chose bright colours and an oddball fish, lobster, parrot and octopus as the décor of attractive and fun summer tableware and matching shirt, pants and hat.

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